The Importance of Testing for Mold
This video is a few years old, however still very relevant. It shows the importance of testing for mold and not just taking someone's...

What is Impact Resistant Hurricane Glass?
What is Impact Glass and how is it tested? Impact Glass is manufactured to withstand flying debris during a major wind storm or hurricane....

Wind Mitigation Inspection What is it?
Wind mitigation is the implementation of certain building techniques in order to limit damage caused by intense wind. A Few Facts About...

Radon in Homes Part 4 Buying & Selling
I'm selling a home. What should I do? a. If your home has already been tested for radon... If you are thinking of selling your home and...

Radon in Homes Part 3 After the Test
After a radon test: If you conduct the test yourself, be sure to promptly return the test device to the laboratory. Be sure to complete...

Radon in Homes Part 2 Testing
Southwest Florida Home Inspections preforms all types of home inspections and testing for home buyers, owners, and builders. We service...

Chinese or Defective Drywall
Amidst a wave of Chinese import scares, ranging from toxic toys to tainted pet food, reports of contaminated drywall from that country...

Radon in Homes Part 1 What is it?
Southwest Florida Home Inspections preforms all types of home inspections and testing for home buyers, owners, and builders. We service...

Is It Mold?
We are asked often when we see something to the extent of the picture above. Is it Mold? This seems like a simple question. Often times...

What Really Matters in a Home Inspection
Southwest Florida Home Inspections is here to help you navigate the inspections process. We preform all aspects including general...